The Idea

The Philosophy –

  • Only invest what you can lose
  • Take profits!! No one was has ever gone broke taking profits.
  • Buying less than 100 shares is okay, if that’s all you can afford!
  • Being conservative is not a bad thing, and neither is being aggressive; however, you need to smart!! Protect your money!
  • Day trading is BAD!
  • Buy (more shares) Low, Sell (some shares) High!
  • Don’t ever go overboard in any direction.
  • And the most important rule: Take emotion out of the equation!! Have a rigid formula that was smarter than I was, AND STICK WITH THE DISCIPLINE!

The Desire –

All of my life I have always wanted to be a stock broker. I wanted to become wealthy, and help all of my friends become wealthy, and I knew there was some way to get there…but I hadn’t found it. Day trading was too risky, and too many people had lost too much money for me to ever trust it. Mutual funds were sold on the idea of “buy and hold” but even the best ones would only top out at 5-8% when the final story was told! That’s not enough to retire on (especially if you can’t start big)! There are literally over 12,000 stocks to choose from, everyone has a buddy with “inside advice”, and yet no one was making any money or headway. I know, you did once, but were you disciplined enough to take your profit?? No, that’s why you are reading this!

A Dream –

I finally found a system to invest in stocks without the emotional disaster of GREED, that worked on paper every time I tried it. But I was nervous to try it with my own ACTUAL money. Well, that’s what I finally did! I quit talking about it, and put my own money into the machine. So did my friend Clay. One night, less than 1 year later, we sat celebrating crossing the 50% mark!! We had crossed a 50% return in less than 1 year, and we were heavy in cash! He had run the numbers, and couldn’t believe the results…just as I had done for years. We were finally in the process of doing what everyone had always promised, and no one had ever delivered: We could see a financial future!! We saw the ability that one day, we would be able to pack up our families and spend a month in Australia, SCUBA diving the Great Barrier Reef, visiting friends, and exploring New Zealand. All while living off the interest! And we each started with very little money at all!